Jackie lost 12 pounds in 6 weeks while…
Jackie took our Nutrition Coaching advice and stuck the program, 100%. Her results are amazing, as are her insights into the challenges that come with changing your eating habits. We sat down with her and got the chance to ask a few questions. We’re grateful for her thoughtful answers.
What was the hardest part about losing weight?
There’s a reason they say “Old habits die hard.” I think the hardest part of losing weight was breaking the bad habits I had developed through nine months of pregnancy. In fact, I still have days where at the end of the day, I miss dessert.
The hardest part of the program itself was making sure I ate 3 proper meals a day and my shakes. On hectic “mom” days, I would be running around without properly planning for when I was going to eat my meals. I would get to the end of the day and realized I hadn’t eaten all day long and didn’t have enough time to fit in all the required meals before bed.
What was the easiest part?
Knowing exactly what I needed to do without ambiguity. There are enough choices in the program that I don’t feel bored with what I am eating and enough structure to make it easy to follow and stick with. My meals just focus on green veggies and protein with an accent of carbs or fats, where appropriate.
You did the program while nursing a baby. Tell me about that.
My biggest fear was that I would put all this effort into the program only to have issues with milk supply and then have to stop. Second to that was the fear that I wouldn’t lose any weight at all because I was nursing. Neither turned out to be an issue. Obviously, I have lost weight in the six weeks and am feeling great. And when there were issues with milk supply, we talked and immediately made the changes to get my supply back where it needed to be within 24 hours. Being able to talk to you and have a quick solution to that problem was so helpful.
The great part about doing this program while nursing is the focus on all the green veggies. Because I am starting with a baseline of veggies at every meal, I know that my baby is getting the micro nutrients from the leafy greens I am eating all day. After a while, I found that when I was still hungry I would add more green veggies to my meals. I also never fully appreciated how important it is to drink enough water; this is even more important when nursing. The program helped me to focus on getting in enough of the right nutrients every day to support myself and my baby. I feel good, we are both healthy and she is putting on all the pounds I am taking off…because chubby babies are so much cuter than chubby mommies.
You’re continuing on with the program, what’s your ultimate goal?
My previous weight loss solutions were unhealthy and unsustainable. I didn’t want to climb to the top of a mountain, only to jump off a cliff right back to the bottom. I would like to find a more healthy balance with food. I also want to build on what I have learned, and use the nutrition component to facilitate learning the exercise movements I have been unable to do since starting CrossFit. (dubs, pullups, strict push ups, the list goes on and on….)
What’s the biggest “win’ from doing the program?
Making it through Thanksgiving and still losing weight that week. Despite all the temptation around me, I was able to enjoy the meal (even a couple of the “treat foods”) and stay on the program overall.
For more info on our nutrition program, click here: https://fit262.com/nutrition/