There’s always been controversy surrounding the kipping pull ups. It’s dangerous, it’s cheating, you look like a noodle on the bar.

To be clear, I mostly agree with all of these statements.

First – the kipping pull up is absolutely dangerous for anyone not strong enough to do at least 5 strict pull ups.

If you cannot perform 5 strict (and I mean real-strict, none of this bent leg, bent knee kicking business. Hollow body STRICT!

Second – it’s not cheating.

It’s only cheating if doing a box jump is cheating for a back squat. They’re two different movements. One is strength, one has completely different purposes and applications. If you’re calling it cheating, you’re failing to see the mechanism of the training device.

Go ahead, tell Konstantinov that he’s cheating.

Third – Wet noodles!

Miko Salo doesn’t look like a noodle here:

He looks like a damn animal moving with pure instinctual force.

It’s poetic, it’s brutal…AND he’s using old school small plates. No dropping 95# here.

Anyway, here’s Coach Dan Martin going over technique and standards for the strict kip, then showing how to kip. Enjoy.