CrossFit 262, CrossFit 305, CrossFit A1A – CrossFit

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Happy Fillmore (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

20 minute AMRAP

Row 200 meters

Run 200 meters

50 foot burpee long jump (25′ x2)

50 foot walking lunge (25′ x 2)

200 meter farmer carry


Scaled – 26/35 KBs

RX – 53/35 KBs

RX+ 70/53, finish each round with 180/100# sled push, 50 yards.

Lunge & farmers carry with one KB.

For lunge and burpees, use 25′ out and back. Last burpee and lunge MUST end over tape line in each direction. Any failure to meet distance will result in a return to the start.

Burpee starts with a drop behind tape line and finishes with a long jump forward. Forward progress is only made by placing hands by feet, kicking back and then jumping forward. Athletes MAY NOT ‘fall forward’ from a standing position. Any reach further than the feet will result in a return to the start.

Score total rounds plus extra meters/feet/reps. Only count completed portions.

Example – 4 rounds plus row, run, burpees = 4 + 450