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CrossFit A1A, CrossFit 305, Stirling Road CrossFit, CrossFit 262 – CrossFit

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Low back and Glute Warm up 1 (No Measure)

50 jumping jacks, 20 toy soldiers, 50 jumping jacks

3 sets of ten reps:

Fire Hydrant

Bird Dog

Hip Bridge


1 minute Pigeon/side


500m Row

Push Press (5 x 12)

Empty Bar-35-40-45-50%

Every 90 seconds for 15 minutes, alternate a Push Press set with a set of 20, 2 count Russian Twists. Press at 0:00, RT at 1:30, Press at 3:00, RT at 4:30, etc.

Bar can come from the rack or the floor for Push Press. Make Push Press harder by pausing at the bottom before each rep. Make RT harder by keeping arms straight.

Leggo EMOM (Calories)


Minute 1: 15 Wall Balls

Minute 2: 20 Box Jumps/Step Ups 24/20″

Minute 3: Max Cal Row, Bike or Ski

Minute 4: Rest

Score is total calories.

RX+ = 11′ Wall Ball, Bike